A/P Staff | Phone Number | Back-up A/P Staff | Non- Residential Providers | Residential Providers | |
Jonathan Estrada | (818) 756-6128 | Andrea Davis | A - Behavior | A - Br | |
Andrea Davis | (818) 756-6282 | Jonathan Estrada | Behaviora - Comm | Bs - Eli | |
Crystal Garcia | (818) 756-6105 | Paulyn Lua | Comp - Fac | Elj - Go | |
Cynthia Sabino | (818) 756-6312 | Vilma Nogoy | Fad - Ja | Gp - L | |
Natela Ovsepyan | (818) 534-5029 | John Acain | Jb - Mo | M - Pa | |
Vilma Nogoy | (818) 756-6347 | Cynthia Sabino | Mp - Prog | Pb - Ri | |
Paulyn Lua | (818) 756-6327 | Crystal Garcia | Proh - Ss | Rj -T | |
John Acain | (818) 756-6326 | Natela Ovsepyan | St - Z, 24 Hrs Homecare | U – Z, 16th Street |
Vendors can contact their assigned A/P staff directly via phone or email. We are currently working remote and email will be the best form of contact. If it is an urgent matter or no reply is received within 2 business days, please contact the back-up A/P staff listed.