The eBilling system requires Chrome browser.
Click here to download Chrome browser

NOTE: Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft,
while you may use Edge or Mozilla with eBilling, not all
functionality may work. We are working to make eBilling
compatible with all three browsers again.


Submit all invoices no later than April 3, 2025.


Per DDS directive, service providers that do not sign the Attestation Acknowledgement Form will be considered noncompliant and subject to potential termination under California Code of Regulations Title 17 section 54370 (c).

Given this, providers are strongly encouraged to make sure the forms are accurate and submitted in a timely manner for review before the
March 31, 2025, deadline.

If this has not been done, please review and complete the attestation acknowledgement form:

Residential Facilities link

Non-Residential link

If there is any questions or issue regarding this matter, please click here to email