The eBilling system requires Chrome browser.
Click here to download Chrome browser

NOTE: Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft,
while you may use Edge or Mozilla with eBilling, not all
functionality may work. We are working to make eBilling
compatible with all three browsers again.

“Invoices will be uploaded January 29th around 2pm. Please submit invoices by the 3rd of February to be paid on the 10th. “

Please complete this task by the deadline, Friday, November 29th.

As you know, completing this task is directly tied to accessing the 10% QIP incentive.

On October 29, 2024, DDS's Provider Directory launched. Its full capabilities will be released in phases.

In the first phase, service providers and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure accurate provider information is in the system.

DDS will offer incentive payments to service providers through the
Quality Incentive Program (QIP).

Support, including on-demand training, is available now at
DDS Provider Directory

Questions? Email