By March 31, 2020, providers of any of the services listed here
that are designed specifically for groups of individuals with developmental disabilities are required to complete a self-assessment regarding their current level of compliance with the federal Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule.
The assessment is available online and can be accessed here. If you have not already received an email with log-in information, please register a new account.
More information regarding the HCBS Final Rule can be found on the DDS Website.
eBilling Notice - Rate Reform - Benchmark Rates Effective January 1, 2025
To ensure invoices are generated on time, by January 28, 2025, RCOC processed rate increases as noted below.
Residential Facilities Codes 905, 910, 915, 920
Invoices generated for residential facilities will reflect the Base Rate for the service code (90% of the Benchmark Rate). Full Benchmark Rates include the Base Rate for the service code (90% of the Benchmark Rate), plus the QIP of 10% for participating in the DDS Provider Directory. Despite the rate reflected on a vendors invoice, vendors that are eligible to receive the Quality Incentive Payment (QIP) of 10% will receive the Full Benchmark Rates.
To be eligible for the QIP of 10%, vendors were required to participate in the DDS Provider Directory. To find out if you are eligible for the QIP of 10%, please visit the DDS Provider Directory page on the DDS website at If you have any questions regarding the DDS Provider Directory, please contact DDS directly at
In-Home Respite Agencies Code 862
Benchmark Rates for in-home respite include mileage. Vendors will no longer receive separate reimbursement for mileage. RCOC has modified authorizations to reflect this change.
The rates for the following codes are in process:
- 055 Community Integration Training Program
- 063 Community Activities Support Services
- 109 Supplemental Residential Program Support
- 465 Participant-Directed Respite Service Family Member
If you do not see an invoice, we are working on updating your rate. Once the update is complete, the invoice will be generated by the end of business on Friday, January 31, 2025.
The rates for the following codes have not been finalized by DDS:
- 113 Specialized Residential Facility - Habilitative
- 116 Early Start Specialized Therapeutic Services (ages 0-3)
- 612 Behavior Analyst
- 882 Transportation Assistant
The invoices will be generated with the old rates. Once RCOC receives the new rates, the vendorization will be processed and RCOC will issue payment for the difference, if applicable.
RCOC is working with DDS to resolve additional rate issues and has notified affected vendors.
NCI Staff Stability Survey
Vendors are strongly encouraged to participate in the National Core Indicators (NCIs) Staff Stability Survey. Information regarding the survey is available below.
Staff Stability Survey Summary
Staff Stability Survey Summary (expanded) February 2022
DDS PowerPoint Gathering Data on the DSP Workforce
To ensure payment, vendors should submit their invoices to RCOC as soon as possible but no later than one year from the provision of services, as per the Terms and Conditions of RCOCs Purchase Order/Authorization. If you have questions about invoices submitted that have not been paid, please send an email to
Please note that the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) determines when the prior fiscal years will close. RCOC cannot pay any services provided on or before June 30, 2022.
Billing and Payment Information (002)
Reimbursement Rates
DDS Community Care Facility Rates
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